Friday, 24 May 2013

Using a Home Automation Phoenix System to Reduce Energy Consumption

Home Automation

It may seem strange to use a home automation phoenix system to save energy - after all won't the control system itself use energy? Surely a minimalist approach to electrical hardware is the best way to save energy? For many of us, elegant homes are persons fancy, high-tech, costly systems that turn lights off and on, close blinds, and do other trivial things for the ultra-lazy. It is the elaborate way that the infamous Bill Gates enters his home by pressing his hand onto a scanner. A well designed home automation system can provide huge benefits and savings in energy consumption:

Lighting Control
Lighting control systems can save substantial amounts of energy. The dimming mechanism can save up to 70% of the energy of a non-dimmed lamp which when coupled with activity detection and daylight sensing can save huge amounts of energy. Put simply the home automation system will determine if the room is occupied and if it is whether the existing light level is sufficient. Big businesses have been using this technology for years, and making huge savings, and now the likes of Crestron have started releasing lighting keypads with light sensors built in for the domestic market.

Intelligent Power Switching
Switching things off when not required is an easy way to save energy. Modern equipment has been designed to use a lot less power when in standby which is why our control systems are programmed to switch devices off when they are not required. With certain devices - which we know to be inefficient even in standby - we can automatically switch off all power to the devices. Our modern multi-room amplifiers are Class D models which means each output has it's own power supply and consequently only portions of the amplifier are switched on at any one time. Please visit us to know more about home automation phoenix.
Smart Homes

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